MIDI keyboard is a multi-touch keyboard that is equipped with a physical electronic MIDI (or Computer-assisted Mechanical Control) interface and an electronic audio output. The sequencer or digital music creation program is connected to the MIDI via a MIDI controller, which is software that enables the user to control and alter musical sounds by the use of touch, pressure, movement, and other physical MIDI commands. A MIDI controller is often incorporated along with a synthesizer. Most often, a keyboard is used to control many types of musical instruments such as keyboards, synths, and digital synthesizers. Today, a MIDI keyboard is considered to be a preferred standard music instrument over an acoustic keyboard because of the ease in use and customization possibilities.
A typical MIDI controller keyboard consists of eight to sixteen buttons arranged in a 16-point touch sensitive layout. The more expensive models often include additional functions such as "lock/unlock" buttons, "increment/decrement" buttons, "threshold" buttons, "send/recv" buttons," tempo" knobs, "volume" wheels, and more. Some keyboards are equipped with extra buttons for midi synchronization and have additional facilities such as touch pads, display capability, and LED indicators.
Many users prefer to create their own midi controller interface by using an external source of MIDI. External controllers can range from basic USB MIDI keyboards and midi interface controllers to more sophisticated software programs that allow complete control and monitoring of multiple devices. External devices can include microphones, headphones, video game controllers, or computer mouse and keyboard combinations. External devices can also connect to a host computer that contains a host virtual synthesizer. This combination of an external source of MIDI along with a personal computer is known as virtual synthesized keyboard or VSTs.
An excellent controller and keyboard combination for the novice computer user is the USB MIDI USB piano. The USB MIDI piano is an excellent tool for all piano enthusiasts and novices alike. This keyboard provides you with professional sound reproduction and is quite easy to use. You can import any recording from your computer into the piano software and it can then be played back at a piano keyboard tempo using the included midi adaptor.
A midi keyboard controller comes with some standard hardware features, including velocity sensitivity, twelve-bit sampled keys, anti-static contact key systems, full keyboard controller with touch-sensitivity for key action, hold / release times, full LED screen, full manual and programmable functions, octave and note number detection, and expression options. Some models also include an "envelope tone," which lets you customize and assign notes. These envelopes can be used for anything from simple bass lines to complex and striking lead melodies. The envelope can also be saved in a microSD card for later recall.
When shopping for a keyboard controller, there are many factors to consider. Check out the online reviews at popular review sites and forums to read about the most popular brands and models. Pay close attention to user reviews, which will reveal whether users are satisfied with the keyboard and if they are happy with the overall performance. Consider the latest prices on the best selling midi controllers and compare prices before making a final purchase. Once you have found your favorite keyboard controller, make sure to regularly maintain and care for it to ensure maximum performance.