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Breaking Down Big Data

02.10.21 05:06 PM By Stackerd

Is your company swamped with huge volumes of data daily? Let’s start breaking that down.

The digital world is dominated by the feedback it generates. The data that is taken from each transaction, each ad clicked, and each favorite expenditure. We have reached a point in technology where the machines are making generating more feedback than we are able to interpret or control. We call this massive volume of endless data ‘Big Data’, although the name hardly seems to do justice.

Big Data has Opportunities and Weaknesses

When dealing with this massive amount of information, it can be overwhelming. Hidden in among all those numbers and facts are the demographics of your clients, the information we need to predict trends, and the business-based feedback that it going to make our companies grow. Weaknesses of Big Data can be broken down into high dimensionality, algorithmic instability, and errors caused by different technological capabilities .

Big data contains insights which we need to keep progressing forward. Unfortunately, it’s almost impossible for one person to sift through so much information and arrive at those insights. For this purpose, software programs capable of processing large volumes of data in an on-demand way have been devised.

One of the best known of these programs is the Hadoop  system, which includes Apache Spark. This software is open-sourced and provides a framework that can be used for processing big data bundles. The system Hadoop uses lets it create huge storage systems where all types of big data can be placed and held in clusters until you can process it.

Embeddable Dashboards: The Next Step

The next stage of processing your way through all of this data to get to the good stuff, is by using embeddable dashboards. These nifty tech marvels will perform data mining while you work. Data mining allows them to chip away at the big data clusters, retrieving the data you tell it to achieve. A great embeddable dashboard will then extrapolate data based on your KPIs and feed it back to you through visualization.

Many embeddable dashboards use the Hadoop system and so does InetSoft. You can drop high performance versions in to existing big data environments or you can deploy them from the outset. Either way, you will be able to retrieve the information you need most from among the masses. Hadoop being open-sourced means that it provides a standard framework throughout the industry, allowing us to move forward to the new challenges of big data processing.
